Hi, my name is Mike, on the internet I'm known as MANIAK_dobrii. This is my blog, all posts here are written by me.
I've been programming since 2003, interested in how everything works, but a bit lazy when it comes to writing. I occasionally write on iOS development and programming in general.
After starting as game developer, I've tried a lot of things, like hardware development (these transistors, resistors stuff), microcontrollers, both verbal and writing text translation, web design, oh my god, fire simulation software development, neural networks, 3D modeling (3DS Max, etc.), 2D graphics design (Photoshop, etc.), writing, oh, not sure I can remember them all.
Since 2010 I took determined course into professional iOS development and I'm dedicated to everything I do
Blog tech
Powered by Jekyll and GitHub Pages, you can check out the source at
That's forth iteration of my personal web site, where I've introduced convenient post creation via markdown, somewhat responsive web design and simplicity.
Site header goes gray in posts, that's my experiment to emphasize content. Code blocks (on wide enough screens) are almost how I want them: most of the time they're aligned with text, but if they need horizontal space, they have it and there's no horizontal scroll. There's no tags, search, archives and such shit, trying to keep it simple, eliminating the need to make choices. The only things are comments and updates section so that you can keep up with changes.
I've started fast with Jekyll now, thanks Barry and all the contributors. Then I've updated, replaced and reconsidered everything to what you can see now.